





Statement by the Prime Minister on Christmas

2020年12月24日 安大略渥太华 总理办公室


贾斯廷•特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)总理今天发表如下圣诞节贺词:





“ 2020年对我们所有人来说都是艰难的一年,但是通过这艰难岁月,我们看到了加拿大人以慷慨、友善和希望来迎接这个充满挑战的时代。我们看到邻居们正在相互帮助,孩子们放弃了他们相约的玩耍和生日聚会,而商户们正在重整自己的商业运营,所有这些都为了帮助抗击COVID-19疫情的斗争。我们看到一线员工们的这种表率和奉献精神,他们将自己置于危险之中,而守护我们所有人的安全、健康,并让民众家中有饭吃。我们还要感谢加拿大武装部队的军人们在国内外的工作,并感谢他们为我们国家所做出的奉献和服务。


“祝福从我们家传递给您的家:Hadrien、Ella-Grace、Xavier、 Sophie和我恭祝您圣诞假期喜乐、安康和友爱。祝愿所有人圣诞快乐。”




Statement by the Prime Minister on Christmas

December 24, 2020      Ottawa, Ontario    Prime Minister’s Office


The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Christmas:

“Merry Christmas, Canada! Today, our family joins Christians across the country and around the world to celebrate the birth of Christ.

“This time of year is full of joy, light, and traditions. As a family, we usually get together to eat too much food, share laughs and stories, watch cheesy holiday movies, give each other gifts, and most importantly, spend quality time together.

“This year, as we continue to deal with the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic, Christmas traditions will be different. Families aren’t getting together for big dinners and friends aren’t stopping by for cookies and eggnog, but we can, and should, give thanks for everything that unites us. Today is a time to recognize all the good that we have in our lives. It’s a time to celebrate Christ’s message of compassion and show people we love them – and right now, that message is more important than ever before.

“2020 has been a difficult year for all of us, but through it we’ve seen Canadians meet these challenging times with generosity, kindness, and hope. Neighbours are helping neighbours, kids are giving up play dates and birthday parties, and businesses are retooling their operations, all to help in the fight against COVID-19. We’ve seen this leadership and dedication from our front line workers, who have put themselves at risk to keep all of us safe and healthy and our families fed. And we also recognize the work of our Canadian Armed Forces members, both at home and abroad, and thank them for their sacrifice and service to our country.

“This year everyone has done their part, because as Canadians we show up for one another. And today, as many spend this holiday away from the ones they love, we need to continue to support and reach out to friends, neighbours, and those in need in our communities. As a country, we will come out of this challenging year stronger and more united, and we will continue to stand together – both today and into the New Year.

“From our family to yours, Hadrien, Ella-Grace, Xavier, Sophie, and I wish you joy, health, and love this holiday season. Merry Christmas, everyone.”


来源:总理办公室 2020-12-24