
加拿大《环球邮报》的种族歧视文章 Is Global and Mail Racist?

郭晓明( Xiaoming Guo for Waterloo)


2017年12月,阿尔伯特省的Joshua James Tenhove被判金融诈骗,他制造了一个一千万的庞氏骗局,欺骗了加拿大和美国消费者。Tenhove案和龚晓华案相似。但媒体从来没有报道Tenhove是哪个族裔的加拿大公民,也不应该报道,因为Tenhove是哪个族裔和他的骗局是否构成金融诈骗没有关系。《环球邮报》评论文章负面评论时指明龚晓华是华裔,是对华裔的种族歧视。

2017年1月29日,Alexandre Bissonnette 在魁北克一个清真寺前射杀6人,造成重大枪击事件,该事件直接导致加拿大联邦议会通过103动议,反对种族歧视。所有关于该事件的报道和评论中,都没有点名Bissonnette是法裔加拿大人,也不应该点明,因为枪击杀人是犯罪,和枪手是哪个族裔没有关系。但是,为什么《环球邮报》要用加拿大华裔来描述龚晓华案?《环球邮报》这样描述是歧视华裔的行为。

2017年6月3日,Rehab Dughmosh在一家商店中用高尔夫球杆袭击顾客,此事被定性为恐怖袭击。没有媒体报道和评论用穆斯林妇女的字眼来描述Dughmosh。加拿大通过了103动议禁止任何恐怖袭击的报道和伊斯兰教相联系。在通过103动议的辩论中,很多议员称103动议并非专门针对歧视穆斯林,而是普遍反对歧视少数族裔。既然是普遍反对歧视少数族裔,既然评论恐怖袭击的时候避免提及穆斯林,为何环球邮报在负面评论龚晓华的时候要特意用加拿大华裔这样的字眼?环球邮报这样的评论是在制造一个歧视华裔的加拿大社会,违反了联邦103动议。



Global and Mail Is Racist
Xiaoming Guo for Waterloo

The Global and Mail published a commentary by Robert Fife and Steven Chase on January 5, 2018, titled “Liberal MP Geng Tan acted as intermediary for businessman now accused of fraud”.

The first paragraph of the commentary lays out the facts, and that’s professional. But the second paragraph being with a sentence of “Chinese-Canadian businessman Xiao Hua Gong, also known as Edward Gong, was arrested in Toronto last week and the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has charged him with fraud over $5,000, possession of property obtained by crime, laundering proceeds of crime and uttering a forged document”. The Global and Mail is racist by specifically spell out Chinese_Canadian. Is Tan wrong because Gong is a Chinese-Canadian? Or is Tan has not fault should Gong is a French-Canadian? Chinese-Canadian in this commentary provides no relevant information besides the racist connotation.

On December 2017, an Alberta man Joshua James Tenhove was charged with a $10-million Ponzi scheme of victims in Canada and the United States. Nobody knows the ethnic profile of Tenhove, and shouldn’t. No media reporting the Tenhove case by saying XXX-Canadian Tenhove because the racial background of Tenhove will not change the verdict of the Ponzi scheme. But why the Global and Mail named Gong Chinese-Canadian? The Global and Mail is racist by doing so.

On January 29, 2017, Alexandre Bissonnette killed six men by shooting at a Quebec City mosque. No report or commentary ever used the label of French-Canadian Alexandre Bissonnette, and shouldn’t. But why the Global and Mail use Chinese-Canadian in the Gong case? The Global and Mail is racist by doing so.

On June 3, 2017, Rehab Dughmosh attacked several people with a golf club at a Canadian Tire store. The incident was classified as a terrorist attack. No media or commentary had named Dughmosh a Muslin woman, and they shouldn’t. We have M-103 to avoid linking any terrorist attack to Islam religion. When MPs arguing to pass M-103, many argued that M-103 is intended to be general to against discrimination towards minorities. The Global and Mail is discriminating against Chinese-Canadian and violating M-103.

The Global and Mail should make a correction in the commentary and should apology to Chinese-Canadian community for the racist commentary.



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