

OTTAWA (Reuters) – A Canadian federal court on Thursday recommended an external review of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service after it found the agency failed to disclose it relied on information that was likely obtained illegally when seeking court warrants.

(路透社渥太华7月10日消息)加拿大联邦法院周四建议对加拿大安全情报局(Canadian Security Intelligence Service)进行外部审查,因为法庭发现该机构未能提供充分信息证明在其寻求法院授权时依据的信息不是非法获取的。

文件图片:一辆汽车在渥太华的加拿大安全情报局(CSIS)总部外面的标牌下通过。REUTERS / Chris Wattie / File Photo

In a decision, Justice Patrick Gleeson recommended a comprehensive external review of the country’s main spy agency that aims to “fully identify systemic, governance and cultural short-comings and failures.”

在一项决定中,联邦法院法官格里森(Patrick Gleeson)建议对主要间谍机构进行全面的外部审查,目的是“充分识别系统性、治理性和文化上的缺点和失败。”

The review, the judge said, should also consider the manner in which legal advice is being delivered to intelligence agency and its interactions with Canada’s Justice Department.

“This Court and the Canadian public must have confidence that respect for the rule of law is and remains a foundational principle underpinning all national security intelligence decision-making,” Gleeson wrote.


Justice Minister David Lametti told a news conference that the Canadian government planned to appeal the decision.

司法部长大卫•拉梅蒂(David Lametti)在新闻发布会上说,加拿大政府计划对这一决定提出上诉。

David Vigneault, director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), said in a statement the agency often relied on help from human sources who have access to individuals or organizations that could pose a threat. Those individuals are sometimes paid for information or provided with logistical supports, like a cellphone.

加拿大安全情报局(CSIS)局长威格诺(David Vigneault)在一份声明中说,该机构经常依赖人力资源的帮助获取情报,他们可以接触可能构成威胁的个人或组织。 情报部门有时会向这些人支付信息费用或提供后勤支助,如手机。

“Let me be clear, the types of activities that are in question in this decision are representative of routine, bread and butter practices used by allied intelligence agencies around the world,” Vigneault said.


Both Lametti and Canadian Public Safety Minister Bill Blair said they took the court’s finding “very seriously.”

“We want to reassure Canadians that at no time was the safety of Canadians at risk, nor were our rights and freedoms,” the ministers said, adding they had requested a national security watchdog look into the concerns raised by the court.

The Canadian government has also retained a former Supreme Court of Canada justice as an external adviser.

拉梅蒂和加拿大公共安全部长比尔•布莱尔均表示他们 “非常认真地对待法庭的裁决。”




