
首届多伦多 Trinity Bellwoods 商业促进会3D展闭幕

(《多伦多新闻网》特约记者 Elsa Hsieh报道)由多伦多 Trinity Bell woods 商业促进会主办的、希拉里药房及西伯利国际试听公司合作支持的第一届冬季3D映射活动于2月29日在多伦多近中国城 809 Dundas西街闭幕。 为期3天的活动于每晚7点开始,11点结束。 以每15分钟播放8分长的映射影片配上专业作曲的音乐背景,在一面116尺长的外墙变换颜色图形,让人目不暇给。 在冬天细雪纷飞的夜晚将周遭的环境增添了浪漫与热闹的色彩。


活动本身简单有新意,随兴又大胆,使得经过的车辆,纷纷停泊路边,携家带眷的大人小孩都在寒冬里观赏一面大墙的万千变化。主办发言人Melissa DeLuca 提到此公益活动的目的主要想在冬季也能吸引住户或是外来的游客到此一游。 不但借着艺术亮点提高小区休闲活动,还可以增进商业流量。活动举办期间,附近的几家华人咖啡厅不但高朋满座,里面大量的书籍阅览更有冬日温暖的艺术气氛。

Trinity Bellwoods 商业促进会成立于2007年,地域介于多伦多Bathurst St.及Grace St.之间。附近有唐人街,肯辛顿市集,小意大利还有皇后西街。 虽然协会只有6位理事人员,但是年轻理念,创新计划已经将小区提升为繁忙的商业运行区。在过去举办了众多的户外电影播放以及苹果派的竞赛活动。

艺术家 Fezz Stenton 作品前留影  (Artist Fezz Stenton in front of his ” Isochronal” project)


此次的3D艺术项目从2019年以数月时间公开甄选合意的艺术项目。 年轻艺术家 Fezz Stenton 提及被小区选中的兴奋给了他更多创作的动力。 由一幅结合立体映射及动画技术的 “  ISOCHRONAL ” 西部之光项目得到了促进会的青睐并从中脱颖而出。之后在小区寻觅高度及长度都符合艺术需求、同时还需要有窗户的条件、并且无电线或任何阻拦物干扰的大墙来呈现视觉与听觉的双向要求。


Fezz 组合了冰,熔火,绿化,石头,玻璃及水晶的纹理特质, 自然与物理的概念,再经过勘探映射及想象的创意,结合Graham Bertie 作曲家为此量身定做的曲目将成果清楚的呈现在这面墙上。 记者在现场看见一辆辆的过往车辆被灯光与电影器材的封街摆设吸引停驻。 的确引来不少好奇游客的眼光。

Fezz 此次的艺术项目想要说明生命的成长与衰退是有等时规律,但它的变化万千也说明了生活不停前进旅程所经历的一切变数。


The first annual Trinity Bellwoods on Dundas BIA proudly presented an exciting 3D project mapping between Feb. 27 – 29, 2020.  This new winter initiative is to drive community engagement and visitors to the hip stretch of Dundas St. West, also known as the Trinity Bellwoods on Dundas BIA.  This free admission family-friendly event was in partnership with Hilary’s Pharmacy & Westbury National audio-visual company.  The show was between 7:00- 11:00 PM on 809 Dundas Street West, Toronto.  (the south-east corner of Dundas St. West & Palmerston St.)

The Trinity Bellwoods BIA was established in 2007, it stretches along Dundas Street West from Bathurst to Grace Street. Nestled between popular neighbourhoods such as Chinatown, Kensington Market, Little Italy and Queen West.  The BIA is actively helping the neighbourhood to emerge with a distinct identity with a great retail strip.  It had hosted several movies in the night and apple pie contest in the past.

This Western Lights ISOCHRONAL is an artistic showcase by artist Fezz Stenton created through 3D mapping and animation techniques. Stenton will transform the 116 foot-long wall at 809 Dundas Street West, bringing its features to life with textures of Ice, Molten Heat, Lush Greenery and Crystal Structures. Through a process of exploration and discovery, generates the imagery and textures that are then mapped to the architectural details of the building.


The 8-minute performance will be accompanied by a score and sound design by Toronto Artist and Musician Graham Bertie. The show is playing every 15 minutes.  The new initiative was created to help activate the Dundas St. West neighbourhood (Bathurst St. to Grace St.) through lighting and projection to digitally engage building facades during the long winter months.

“Our goal was to create an event that is not only enticing enough to bring the immediate community together during winter, but also give visitors from different communities an opportunity to explore the unique businesses which are part of The Trinity Bellwoods on Dundas BIA.” said Melissa De Luca, Co-Chair.

ISOCHRONAL [ ahy-sok-ruh-nl ] adjective 1. equal in length of time 2. occurring at equal intervals of time Our world has a tempo and rhythm that drives life and decay, an endless cycle that pushes life forward to make way for new growth. This work takes a closer look at the beauty found when we see our world change and adapt within its own isochronal cycle. Seasons, cycles and patterns fuel the planet and the way it moves and breathes. Isochronal is a projection-mapped performance that invites the viewer to look closer at the natural world to gain a greater appreciation for its intricacies.
