



“今天,我欢迎公共秩序紧急情况委员会专员尊敬的保罗·鲁洛(Paul S. Rouleau)法官的报告,并感谢委员会所做的重要而认真细致的工作。

“公共秩序紧急情况委员会的报告指出,当时局势达到启用《紧急状态法》之非常高的门槛。 专员确认,我们去年所经历的局势属于威胁加拿大人安全的国家紧急情况。 作为政府,我们的工作始终是确保人们的安全,而启用《紧急状态法》是为了保护人民的必要之举。


“当时的局势动荡且失控,联邦政府需要介入以维护法治,并保护人民和我们的国民经济。 我们不希望被迫启用《紧急状态法》——这是万不得已的措施。 但是,人身安全和生计正面临着真实的风险,同样,还存在着对维护我们社会和自由的法治失去信心的风险。 局势要求我们担当负责任的领导作用,恢复和平与秩序。 《紧急状态法》为我们提供了更多工具,用以安全地结束非法封堵和占据行为。

“这个报告客观地描述了去年发生的事情,并提出了防止此类情况再次发生的建议。 我们都同意,当年的局势绝不应该走到这一步。 我们都应该同意,所有相关人员都可以从中吸取教训:执法机构、所有层级的政府和民选官员。 明年,我们联邦政府将对专员的建议做出全面、公开的回应。

“加拿大成为世界上最成功的民主国家之一是有原因的:我们为此而努力。 我们认识到民主是我们所有人共同的责任。

“过去几年,加拿大人经历了很多。 许多人承受着压力,面临着切实的财务挑战,并失去了亲人。 我们需要同舟共济,专注于未来。作为加拿大人,让我们继续守望相助,让我们相互倾听和尊重——即使我们不同意对方——让我们继续营造一个惠及所有人的更美好未来。”

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the report of the Public Order Emergency Commission:

“When we invoked the Emergencies Act, we were clear that it included the launch of a public inquiry to look at how and why we got there, and ensure transparency and accountability.

“Today, I welcome the report from the Honourable Paul S. Rouleau, Commissioner of the Public Order Emergency Commission, and I thank the Commission for its important, thoughtful work.

“The report of the Public Order Emergency Commission states that the very high threshold to invoke the Emergencies Act was met. The Commissioner found that what we experienced last year was a national emergency that threatened the security of Canadians. Our job as a government is always to keep people safe, and invoking the Emergencies Act was the necessary thing to do to protect people.

“In our country, everyone has a right to protest peacefully – that’s a fundamental right that our government will always defend. In Ottawa, people are used to political activity and protests on Parliament Hill, but as the Commissioner said, ‘Lawful protests descended into lawlessness culminating in a national emergency.’ Streets were blockaded in our capital for weeks, causing serious harm to families and small businesses. At the borders in many places across the country, the blockades were damaging our economy and endangering public safety. For example, the blockade at the Ambassador Bridge between Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan, hurt trade with the United States, thousands of peoples’ jobs, and critical supply chains. And at Coutts, Alberta, guns were found at the blockade. There was a real risk that people promoting ideologically motivated violent extremism could act out, or that they could inspire lone wolves to act out against their fellow citizens.

“The situation was volatile and out of control, and the federal government needed to step in to uphold the rule of law and protect people and our economy. We did not want to have to invoke the Emergencies Act – it is a measure of last resort. But there were real risks to personal safety, to livelihoods, and equally, the risk of losing faith in the rule of law that upholds our society and our freedoms. Responsible leadership required us to restore peace and order. The Emergencies Act provided us with more tools to safely bring the illegal blockades and occupations to an end.

“The report provides an objective account of what happened last year, and recommendations to prevent this type of situation from ever arising again. We can all agree that it should never have come to this. And we should all agree that there are lessons here for everyone involved: law enforcement agencies, all orders of government, and elected officials. Within the next year, our government will issue a comprehensive, public response to the Commissioner’s recommendations.

“There’s a reason why Canada is one of the most successful democracies in the world: we work at it. We recognize that democracy is the responsibility of all of us together.

“Canadians have been through a lot over the past few years. Many have been stressed, faced real financial challenges, and lost loved ones. We need to pull together and focus on what lies ahead. As Canadians, let’s continue to be there for one another, let’s listen to and respect each other – even if we don’t agree – and let’s continue to build a better future for everyone.”